Professional Experiences

Software Engineer, eQ Technologic

  • Developed data migration & integration platform tools in Java for applications like Teamcenter PLM & OrientDB.
  • Engineered microservices in CXF & JAXWS for Oracle Primavera EPPM connector to report 27% performance increase in QA testing.
  • Implemented common data model to bridge gap between 3 enterprise software to support CRUD operations in SQL and NoSQL.
  • Upgraded indexing methods and version support over 2 generations in multi-versioned Graph database connectors.
  • Worked on Data Fabric Architecture (DaaS) via extended JDBC Framework, JMS, and Jakarta EE specifications.
  • Well-versed with customer interaction, test-driven development, code reviews, Agile and Jenkins (CI/CD) deployment.

Graduate Research Assistant, Indiana University Bloomington

  • Benchmarking large-scale graph datasets with open-source deep graph libraries like DGL and CogDL against a proprietary implementation.
  • Optimizing execution of OGB-LSC datasets with GCN, GraphSage and GIN models on both CPU and GPU nodes.

Graduate Research Assistant, Indiana University Bloomington

  • Analyzing Russia-Ukraine cyber warfare & defacements to find correlations among actors & targets and their related sectors.
  • Constructed ETL pipeline in Python for scraping, preprocessing, and modeling data from heterogenous sources.

Software Development Intern, DeeDee Labs

  • Pioneered protheses friendly games in Unity for training sensory feedback of arm amputees in 3 weeks against average of 8.
  • Headed a team of four to deploy 3 projects in 8 months by collaborating with multiple teams.
  • Incorporated scaling in high frequency prosthetic data, MQTT, C# scripts for Unity, and shell scripts for drivers and integration