Motifizer (Computational Biology) | Show Project
- Award-winning tool to package three complex sequencing processes in a single docker-based one-click solution.
- Innovated a high-throughput Python pipeline to parse large DNA datasets & analyse transcription factors, reducing 40% execution time.
- Presented a custom Docker image with 4 lines of hassle-free installation instructions to avoid version conflicts.
- Actively used by 20+ researchers at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Pune. Publication preprint:
Document Manager for Lawyers | Show Project
- Awarded Top-3 in a university-wide Hackathon sponsored by Google Cloud with 250+ participants.
- Standalone desktop app in Python for fast PDF OCR and intelligent cropping with multithreaded execution for efficiency.
Google Drive Clone
- Distributed cloud drive built on Microservices in Flask, Google Cloud Storage, NoSQL & ReactJS with 2FA file access control to non-users.
- Dockerized services on GCP with Cloud Run supported by asynchronous pub-sub notification service, supporting 5 emails/sec.
- Automated deployment by building a CI/CD pipeline on Google Cloud Build with a nightly test suite for reliability.
CureNsure | Show Project
- Cloud based healthcare portal serving REST APIs for appointment, insurance and client management with NoSQL.
- Delivered project as per Agile plan of 4 sprints with incremental releases, and customer meeting every fortnight.
- Continuous deployment on GCP, standups, JIRA tracking and documented tests ensured smoother builds optimizing the cost.
Unimatch - University Recommendation System | Show Project
- Predicts top 10 universities for a graduate candidate in ambitious, moderate and safe categories based on 7 parameters.
- Weighted KNN model used on latest data scraped from active websites like YMGrad & The GradCafe, university rankings from US News.
- Application developed using Flask, Bootstrap, ML Libraries & deployed on cloud for open access.
Public Grievance Redressal System | Show Project
- Designed a portal for citizens to track civic grievances & ensure prioritized reparation from concerned authorities.
- Created SMS notification system with database triggers and geotagging for location-based summary of complaints.
Video Intelligence and Analytics | Smart India Hackathon '18
- Built real-time object detection for mobile devices to parse live feed and provide conclusive statistical data insights.
- Awarded top 10 in 263 teams and showcased project in the prestigious Ministry of I&B, Government of India.
Chrome Incognito URL Clipboard | Show Code
- A chrome extension to manage history and clipboard in private browsing.